Tony Opwora
December 5, 2019 5:52 pmTony is a Financial & Sector Coordination Adviser for GESS. He has over ten years’ experience managing complex personal and financial data. He has worked in South Sudan/Sudan since 2010 and has built up a wealth of relevant local experience in both the private and public sectors, developing and implementing best practice policies and procedures for the quality and timeliness of data management, reporting and accountability.
Since 2017 he has provided support on capacity building within the Ministry of General Education and Instruction, including improvements to budget procedures, quality control, monitoring and grant transfer requirements, for initiatives such as teacher incentive programmes. He has also developed budget tracking systems for both Government and GPE funding to education, and developed/fine-tuned expense voucher tools for Education Transfers processing by the Ministry of Finance and Planning. He has further been key in the process of the development of the Education sector coordination framework. In addition to this he plays a key role in supporting and monitoring the delivery of GESS Cash transfers and Capitation Grants.
Tony Holds a BSs in Applied Statistics a keen data manager & analyst
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